On Earnings

Never Depend On Single Income Make Investments To Create Second Source

On Spendings

If You Buy Things You Do Not Need Soon You Will have To Sell Things You Need

On Savings

Do Not Save What Is Left After Spending, But Spend What Is Left After Savings.

On Taking Risk

Never Test The Depth Of River With Both The Feet.

On Investments

Do Not Put All Eggs In One Basket.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How To Start a Google AdSense Account and Make Money Blogging

Starting a new account with Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways to start monetizing your blog. While Google AdSense might not make you rich, it's a simple and useful tool. In fact, it's usually the first step bloggers typically take to earn an income from their blogs because it is so easy to get started.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 10-15 minutes to open an account. Additional time to research the options to monetize your blog.

Here's How:

  1. Familiarize yourself with what you can and cannot do as part of the Google AdSense program to ensure you're prepared to start your new account.
  2. Click on the 'Sign Up Now' button in the upper righthand corner of your screen.
  3. Complete the online application.
    You will need to provide your blog's URL and primary language as well as answer some questions related to the rules of the Google AdSense program. You'll also need to provide your payment information to receive the money you generate on your blog from Google.
  4. Access your new account and review the ads available to you.
    Google AdSense provides a wide variety of advertising options to bloggers from text ads to image ads and more. Take some time to research everything that's available to determine what will work best for your blog.
  5. Select your ad design choices.
    Once you've decided which ad opportunities are best for your blog, select them. Google will provide a snippet of HTML code to you after you make your selection.
  6. Insert your Google AdSense HTML code into your blog.
    Copy and paste the HTML code provided by Google into your blog's template. One of the easiest ways for a beginner blogger to do this is by inserting a text widget into his or her blog's template and pasting the code in the widget.
  7. Let Google do the rest.
    It may take a few hours or a few days for Google to start serving ads on your blog. Google will search your blog to determine the predominant subjects of each page. When readers visit your blog, the HTML code you pasted into your blog from Google will activate and relevant ads will be displayed based on each page's content.
  8. Collect your money.
    Remember, Google AdSense typically pays based on click-throughs (the number of times people click on an ad). Therefore, Google AdSense is unlikely to generate a large income for you, but every bit helps!


  1. Read and adhere to the Google AdSense policies in full before you sign up for a Google AdSense account. If you violate any of the policies, your account will be cancelled.
  2. Take some time to perfect your Google AdSense program once you get started by learning the steps you need to take to increase your Google AdSense earning potential.

How To Increase Your Blog's Earning Potential with Google AdSense

When you include Google AdSense ads on your blog, there is certainly potential to make money, but how? Many beginner bloggers have Google AdSense ads running, but the earnings aren't coming. Follow the steps below to give your blog's Google AdSense program the greatest chance for success and start making money now.
Time Required: Ongoing

Here's How:

  1. Determine your blog's primary focus.
    Google AdSense ads are most effective when they are served to people who are interested in the products and services those ads offer. With that in mind, Google AdSense tends to work best on blogs that are about niche topics such as a specific product or hobby. Consider how you can make your blog's topic more focused to better attract specific types of readers and specific types of ads.
  2. Write consistent and focused content.
    Google serves ads based on the content on each of your pages. The more focused your content is on each page, the better Google can determine which ads are the most relevant to your readers. Write consistently and stay focused on a specific topic to increase the likelihood that Google will display ads on your blog that your readers are apt to click on.
  3. Work to increase your blog's traffic.
    The more visitors to your blog, the more potential for clicks on your Google AdSense ads. Work to increase your blog's traffic to boost your chances for ad click-throughs. However, keep in mind that if you write focused content, the ads on your blog will be relevant to that content. The traffic that comes to your blog needs to be interested in your blog's topic and your content, or they are not likely to be interested in your corresponding Google AdSense ads. Work to drive traffic but make a concerted effort to find traffic that adds value to your blog.
  4. Research and test keywords.
    Google serves ads through its AdSense program based on keywords. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their businesses. Some keywords are more popular than others and therefore, drive higher bids. Higher paying keywords also mean higher payouts to you when your readers click on them. The ads served on your site are determined by the content on your site. If you're writing about topics related to higher paying keywords, then you're likely to earn more money from your Google AdSense program than if you wrote about topics related to lower paying keywords.
  5. Test Google AdSense ad positions on your blog.
    You can display Google AdSense ads just about anywhere on your blog. Test a variety of positions on your blog to determine which work best for you in terms of generating click-throughs and maximum revenue.


  1. Check with your blogging software provider and blog host to ensure your blogging package allows you to place Google AdSense ads on your blog. For example,Wordpress.com does not allow Google AdSense ads.
  2. Don't fall victim to the allure of covering your blog in ads to generate income. Blogs that are cluttered with ads are difficult to read, and readers typically don't return to blogs where the meaningful content is hidden in between ads.
  3. Track your results to see what's working, particularly as you test keywords and ad positions. This will allow you to develop the best advertising mix to maximize your blog's income while staying consistent to your blog's brand image and overall message to readers at the same time.